Why should there be holes in the middle of the sound insulation board?

When sound waves propagate in the air, due to the friction generated by the vibration of air particles, the loss of sound is converted into heat energy, which causes the phenomenon that the sound wave gradually attenuates with the increase of the propagation distance, which is called air sound absorption. When the sound wave propagates from the air and then enters the material surface, in addition to the reflected sound energy, the rest of the sound energy is absorbed, which can be called material sound absorption. Therefore, the sound-absorbing panels we usually see will have porous or strip-shaped openings. In this way, when the sound enters the object, due to the large number of sound-absorbing panels or the resonance effect of the film and the thin plate, the incident noise will not be affected. Sound waves have a sound-absorbing effect, and the sound-absorbing panels can also reflect different sound-absorbing functions according to different materials. This is why there are holes in the middle of the sound-absorbing panels.

Why should there be holes in the middle of the sound insulation board?

Post time: Feb-14-2022